You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

February 24, 2014

A Mind from Nowhere to Nowhere

These unseasonably warm days can leave a fella parched. So, I stepped into an unfamiliar bar for just a quick one. Just as I got settled in with a nice cold draft, the guy on the stool next to me decided to comment on something that came on the corner television. “Bullet train! With all the gun carnage these days, that’s just what we need – more bullets.”

Surely, I must have heard this guy wrong. “What was that?” I inquired.

“The Bullet Train. They just said on TV that it’s coming to California.” He said, “Don’t these shooters have enough bullets without bringing in another train load?”

All right, he’s a little mixed up. “The Bullet train is a train that goes something like 150 miles per hour.” I said.

“Geez, these nuts can’t get their bullets fast enough?”

Now I am bewildered. “Did you vote in the 2008 election?” I asked.

“Sure, I voted for Obama … and again for him in 2012.” He said proudly.

“What about the propositions? Do you remember prop 1A, also known as the California High-speed Rail proposition?”

“I don’t even look at those propositions. I only vote for the President. The other stuff on the ballot isn’t very interesting so I ignore it. Sometimes, I might even vote for some of the other Democrats, though.”

“Wow! How do you decide which ‘other’ Democrats to vote for?” I had to ask.

“Easy. I watch MSNBC. If they talk about a Democrat, he’s worth a vote.”

Trying not to visibly shake my head, I said, “Do you have any idea how the government works?”

“That’s a stupid question. Of course I do. The President runs everything. He tells all the states what to do.”

Given the way the Obama administration is shaping up, that might be a hard point to dispute, even though that is not what the US Constitution or State Constitution says.

It was time to get this conversation back on-track. “Okay, let’s get back to the Bullet Train,” I said.

“The Bullet train is not a train full of bullets. It’s a super fast commuter train that will supposedly run from San Francisco to LA. A $9.9 billion bond issue to raise money for the line was voted on in 2008. The referendum passed by a 52.7% margin. The original cost estimate when the proposition appeared on the ballot was $33 billion, but it has now mushroomed to $91.5 billion for full completion of the 800-mile line.

“During the lifetime of this boondoggle, our illustrious Governor, Jerry Brown – a Democrat – has insisted on pushing this train down he throats of Californians. The controversy is enormous, including the massive cost increase, route selection, use of existing – low speed – tracks, and phasing of the project that lead to calling it the ‘train from nowhere to nowhere.’”

A look of amazement crossed his face, and I mistook it for understanding. “No bullets?” He asked.

“No! They are not carrying bullets on the bullet train.” I said.

“Good,” He said. “The Democrats don’t like bullets.”

“Are you married?” I asked.

“Going on five years.” He said.

There goes the gene pool. I thought to myself.

“Congratulations, “ I said, and left with half a glass of beer standing on the bar. I just lost my taste for it.

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