Kimani Gray, the 16-year-old son of single mother Carol Gray, was shot dead after pointing a handgun at Police in Brooklyn, N Y.
Trayvon Martin was born in Florida on February 5, 1995. His parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, divorced four years later. Martin was shot dead in 2012 at Sanford, Florida while struggling with Neighborhood Watchman.
Michael Brown, shot dead in Ferguson, Missouri while attacking a police officer following a strong-arm robbery of a convenience store. Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown, Sr. were never married to one another.
In Baltimore, Maryland, Freddie Gray, arrested for carrying a switchblade knife, fell into a coma while being transported and later died. His single mother Carol Gray, reportedly never went past middle school, couldn’t read, and had a heroin habit.
Eric Garner, died while struggling with New York police after refusing to be arrested for illegally selling cigarettes. Garner was out on bail the day he died. He was fighting charges for illegally reselling cigarettes, marijuana possession, false personation and driving without a license. He had reportedly been arrested more than 30 times in his life mostly minor for offenses. He was the son of single mother Gwendolynn Carr.
Just this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sylville Smith was armed with a stolen handgun when he fled a traffic stop August 13. The officer ordered Smith to drop his gun and when he didn’t, the officer fired and wounded Smith in the chest and arm. Smith later died of his injuries.
Each of these deaths was the prime cause of rioting resulting in millions of dollars in destruction. Note, that with the exception of young Kimani Gray, each of these men was killed in the act of committing a crime. Gray was stupid enough to point a weapon at police. These are not choirboys or pillars of the community they are thugs, robbers, and criminals.
Each time something like this happens race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson were sure to be in front of cameras to stir the pot. Even President Obama on several occasions defended these men, going so far as to say that, “if I had a son he would look like Travon [Martin].”
So, did the lives of these men matter enough for the fathers to be a part of it? Do Black lives matter only when an officer takes the life of one?
Does the family unit make a difference? Well, 25% of Whites are born out of wedlock, and while Whites commit 45.3% of homicides, they make up 62.06% of the population – nearly five times the number of Blacks. Maybe, just maybe, the family unit might have something to do with the problem.
Yes, there are rogue police, just as there are rogue dentists, lawyers, judges, and rogues in any other profession. These people must be sorted out and removed from a position of authority. Then too, police are human. Many have wives or husbands and family waiting for them to come home safe. Law enforcement is one of, if not the, most demanding professions, both mentally and physically. Cops, just like you and I , have good days and bad days.
So here is the bottom line: If you are dumb enough to commit a crime, you will be arrested. If you give the arresting police a hard time, things are not likely to end well for you. This is a universal fact no matter what race you are.
It’s not a matter of racial divide. It’s not a matter of profiling. It’s a matter of public safety and universal enforcement of the law regardless of race. Unfortunately, it is also a matter of perception being fuelled by the news media and despicable race baiters with their own agenda.