You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

December 2, 2015

Another Paris Tragedy

No, this tragedy wasn’t caused by Muslim terrorists. Although, our President believes the terrorists were created by climate change. Go figure…

The Global Conference on Climate Change in Paris this month is bound to produce more onerous restrictions on everyone, except the major polluters, China, Russia, and India. Beijing might actually do something about the “greenhouse gasses” if they could only read the reports through the smog. Most of the time seeing the full Golden Gate Bridge seems more likely than finding the Forbidden City in the smog.

The Kyoto Protocol – one that we have not officially signed on to – gave the United Nations sweeping authority over sovereign nations to fight “Global Warming” but conveniently left out developing nations as well as China and India while it called for draconian measures for the United States. Even though we have not officially agreed to the Kyoto Protocol, the left in this country are determined to apply the restraints to us anyway.

Obama used his pen to decimate the coal industry and in the mean time foist “green energy” on the populace. Here in California, where the Democrats run virtually everything, we are being forced to “cut back” on carbon use. The governor even wanted to force everyone to use fifty-percent less gas. Thankfully, even the Democrats realized that would be completely unworkable. But don’t relax just yet. I’m sure this will come up again in the not too distant future.

I could cite reams of evidence to rebuff the “scientific” data that surrounds the Climate Change issue (previously called Global Warming, but had to be changed when the warming didn’t materialize). Frankly, it doesn’t matter. The climate is in fact changing. It has changed for millennia, and will continue to change as long as the earth exists. The core of the issue is, do humans have the power to cause the climate to change – one way or the other?

I seriously doubt we could ever cause the climate to change in any direction. Otherwise, we would outlaw hurricanes, flooding, drought, blizzards, ice storms, and tornados and require the scientists to work their magic to relegate these plagues to history. But no government can do that because it is not within the human realm to change the weather. So, how could humans be so omnipotent to be able to cause bad weather when we can’t make good weather? Remember Mark Twain said, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” That’s because we can’t!

Greenhouse gasses? Sure, they exist. Without them, the earth would resemble the Martian landscape. Are we causing them? There is no doubt human activity contributes to these gasses. But there are many other factors that spew greenhouse gasses and cause the weather patterns on earth.

There are currently about fifty active volcanoes on the planet spewing out, guess what, greenhouse gasses! Is anyone at the Paris conference suggesting plugging up these gas generators? Oh, but that would not be feasible.

So why should humanity make radical and often unfeasible lifestyle changes just to keep from adding a very small percentage of gas to the already naturally occurring mass? And is it really about climate change?

I believe the whole fiasco is not about climate change but more about change. The mantra of the left is always “change.” It doesn’t seem to matter if that change is for the better or worse, just change. It is a badge of power to cause others to do what they would not naturally do. And no one wears that badge more proudly than the left.

But the Pope is advocating the climate change cause too. Pope Francis is a well-meaning person, but he is also an avowed socialist. He is causing wholesale changes in the Vatican and in the Catholic Church. Many of those changes are good and long overdue, but he is out of his league when he pokes his Miter into the realm of science.

The number-one promoters of Climate Change theories are the scientists carefully selected by and for the United Nations. That alone should tell us this agenda is more about power than climate. The UN continually works to undermine the sovereignty of its member nations. This is but the most recent example of that power quest.

The only change I am interested in is removing enough Democrats from power to put this nation back on a path to restoring the greatness and prestige it once had. The climate will do whatever nature deems it to do. We either accept that fact and adapt or join the dinosaurs in extinction. And that is probably the one solution not being discussed in Paris.