You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

January 2, 2016

New Kid on the Block

I love this newspaper. Having been a part of it since its inception you may forgive me for being somewhat biased, but with each issue, it just keeps getting better.

In case you hadn’t noticed, the December 30 issue presented a new column by Douglas V. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs comes to this newspaper with an impressive list of qualifications, Political Activist, Public Speaker, Constitutional Instructor, Radio Host, Publisher, author of two books, and best of all, Patriotic American.

His initial piece, James Madison and Judicial Review, may be a good indicator of just how knowledgeable Mr. Gibbs is about American history and politics. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and look forward to seeing more of his work in the coming year.

I too, have a bit of knowledge about James Madison and the founding of the US Constitution, as well as the role played by such renowned personages as Gouverneur Morris, Roger Sherman, Charles Pinckney, Edmund Randolph, John Dickinson, Alexander Hamilton, Elbridge Gerry, George Mason, and of course, George Washington among the 43 who argued and hashed out this great document. Many seem to revere the Constitution as an inspired document, but I am certain that had you asked James Madison he would have said it was more perspiration than inspiration. The months of wrangling in the confines of the hall in Philadelphia through hot and cold weather produced a masterpiece of political concession and reconciliation. Toward the end, even George Washington despaired that it would never be finished.

The Federalists (actually a misnomer, since they worked for a National union and strong central government in opposition to the Articles of Confederation) eventually got most of what they were after but had to make concessions that included amending the Constitution at a later date to include a bill of rights. The fact is that the Federalists (Madison, Hamilton, Washington, etc.) did not want a bill of rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Eventually, Madison thought that by including a bill of rights it would quiet the opposition to Constitutional control by the Antifederalists. Madison became, essentially, the father of the bill of rights. His original proposed amendments were whittled down to ten and added to the Constitution.

The final, tenth, amendment of the Bill of Rights gave all powers not expressly included in the US Constitution to the individual states, “or to the people.” As we all know, the argument over states rights versus Central government became a huge issue in the mid-nineteenth century resulting in thirteen Southern states seceding from the union and a civil war being fought. Apparently, since the South lost, the tenth amendment is now interpreted to mean that states have any rights the federal government says they can have.

Gibbs’ contention that the federal judiciary has overstepped its bounds is well founded. The cases where the judiciary has legislated from the bench are far too many to present. Those of us old enough to remember the Earl Warren Supreme Court should be very familiar with judicial activist decisions that strayed far from both the intent and actual wording of the Constitution.

Here is California we are saddled with 807 new laws that went into effect January 1. Not one of those laws challenge the federal government or even attempt to pry even the slightest control from the massive organization that has become our central government.

Are you feeling like a criminal yet? Do you know what those 807 new laws are? Do you know all of the federal laws on the books? I don’t. And I am sure I have probably violated something in the code, although I have no idea what would be.

Maybe the states have too many rights. 807 new laws in one year! If you think things have gotten out of hand, it’s only because they are.

Welcome to the newspaper, Mr. Gibbs. I look forward to reading more of your work.

December 29, 2015

New Years Resolutions

Okay, now that Christmas dinner leftovers are almost gone, and you have put the memory of that New Years party well behind you, it is again time for retrospection of events and promises made last January and making resolutions for the coming new year. Well, it is a tradition, even if a futile one.

So, I dug out the old resolution list and it occurred to me that it actually resembles more of a bucket list than a list of resolutions. There are the usual resolutions: lose weight, exercise, drink less, eat healthy, swear less, spend less, save more; you know, the good intentions that seldom last the week let alone the year.

Then you have the ones driven by guilt: visit the relatives, visit that old friend you haven’t seen since high-school, call your mother (not easy for me, since mine has been dead for quite a while; maybe I should scratch that off the list), call your out of state brother or sister (and say what? After “how are you” there is always an awkward silence).

Next, you have those nebulous, well-intended goals that one can never quite tell have been kept or not: be a better person (as opposed to what?), be less pessimistic (in this political climate? Good luck with that, this is an election year), be kinder and more considerate of others (is this even possible when you drive California freeways?).

Finally, you have the impossible dreams: finish your novel, write a novel, visit a foreign country (no, not Los Angeles), see Machu Picchu, go to Peterson Automotive museum (right, I have never been there), pay off your Christmas credit card charges before they charge interest, don’t touch your savings this year.

Like I said, it amounts to more of a bucket list than a list of resolutions. I seem to just repeat the same list every year… with no progress. Maybe someday, I might actually do one of these, but usually by mid-January, they aren’t even a memory.

This year, I think I will try a more realistic approach, maybe something like:

Take long naps; eat what tastes good; drink in moderation… most of the time; avoid the freeways and idiot drivers (I thought about taping down my middle fingers, but people would think I was a foreigner); wait until two days before an election, then vote for the loudest person; just figure everything is going to that dark place in a hand basket (this one never seems to be far off the mark anyway); swear silently… unless really ticked off; pray I wake up in the morning… but not too early; put off last year’s list to next year.

Okay, I think I can live with this list. I wish every one of you a very happy and prosperous new year.