You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

May 13, 2016

The Choice of a Lifetime?

We may be living in one of the most historically important times this country has seen since the American Revolution. Will our ancestors look back on this time and thank us for making a wise decision or curse us for negligence?

In 2008, Barrack Obama was elected president not because he was the most qualified person for the job; not because he had the experience and education to handle foreign and domestic issues; not because he had a clear plan to advance the country’s economy; not even because he had a firm grasp of the issues of the times. Obama was elected on a single issue, to be the first Black President.

He was reelected in 2012 not because he had done such a wonderful job as President – Obama and the Democrats in Congress saddled us with the worst healthcare program in the history of the world – his reelection happened merely because those who voted for him the first time couldn’t bear the thought of admitting their mistake.

So, what did we learn in the last eight years? For one, we learned that hope and change meant we could hope we have change left after the government fleeces our wallets. We should have learned you couldn’t borrow and spend your way to economic recovery. With over 19 Trillion dollars of debt and economy growing at a snail’s pace, that is a costly lesson.

During the Obama reign, we also heard that the US Constitution is “an outdated and flawed document”, one that he repeatedly tried to circumvent. We also added a new word to our vocabulary, the “One-percenter.” You know, that term referring to the greedy one percent of Americans that hold 99 percent of the wealth – the ones whose wealth Mr. Obama wants to “spread around.”

Yeah, that’s right folks; I’m no fan of our current President. I don’t like his policies. I deplore his staff choices, cabinet choices, and all of his advisors and czars. I also detest his socialist bent and unwillingness to take the blame for his shortcomings – “it’s the fault of the previous administration.” Yes, I believe Mr. Obama has secured the prize of “worst president” easily from the hands of the previous holder, Jimmy Carter.

Can we say, “good riddance” next January? Well, maybe.

Hillary Clinton is running for election on the promise to continue and advance the policies of Obama. That could easily mean more socialist programs. It, of necessity, will mean higher taxes or deeper debt – or both. Our borders will be completely open and there will be no control on immigration. She has told us she will “fix” healthcare, but we know what kind of fixes she will make. She started this whole healthcare boondoggle during Bill Clinton’s Presidency. No one thought it was a good idea then. I doubt it will be an improvement this time.

The most horrifying prospect of the second Clinton Presidency is the certainty that she will be appointing at least one Supreme Court Justice and possibly as many as four more. Can there be any doubt about the caliber of candidates she will submit to Congress for nominees?

If Obama viewed the Constitution as a flawed and outdated document, he had no recourse but to work around what he felt was obstructing his desires. As the arbiter and definer of constitutional meaning, the Supreme Court has, for many decades, followed the strict intent and language of the document. There was no way Obama could subvert the strict meaning of the Constitution for his own agenda. A second Clinton administration could radically change that.

The appointment of just the next Supreme Court justice could completely reverse the decisions of the past decades and give Clinton the ability to entirely circumvent the will of Congress. She has already taken aim at weakening or repealing the Second Amendment.

Jimmy Carter couldn’t get the Equal Rights Amendment to pass ratification. A sympathetic Supreme Court Justice could make that Amendment a de-facto law with a mere 5 to 4 opinion. Look for the return of racial and gender quotas in everything. The National minimum wage will start at 15 dollars and likely climb to staggering heights as inflation goes through the roof.

As for foreign policy, well, look how nicely she handled the Benghazi affair. And didn’t she do a reset with Russia… just before they took the Crimea and invaded the Ukraine? When one of her staunchest supporters was asked to name just one accomplishment Clinton had as Secretary of State, the answer was, “um.”

It’s not looking good, folks. The choices we are presented for leading our country and defining its future are not ideal. Both sides have staunch supporters and vocal opponents. We need to look beyond the rhetoric and bombast, past the effect either candidate would have on the next four years. Look to the effect either candidate could have on the future of our country. I cannot imagine a more defining moment in time than this election. Please choose wisely.