You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

June 1, 2017

Our Shadow Government

In 2008, Barrack Obama was elected President of the United States. As an avowed socialist, he did much that aggravated conservatives. Obama arguably even worked against several constitutional requirements and on more than one occasion disparaged that august document. 

All during Obama’s two terms, the news media gave him a pass for every action he did against the interest of our country. When he went on an international apology tour, the media was silent. When he bowed to foreign dignitaries, the media was silent. When he issued illegal executive orders countermanding immigration law, the media glossed it over. When the IRS, under his administration, sought to punish conservative organizations, the media winked as they reported it. For eight years the only public condemnation of actions by this anti-American president came from social media and Fox news.

What a difference there is when the shoe is on the conservative foot. There seems to be a shadow liberal government formed by the media and Democrats. Every action our duly elected president, Donald J. Trump, does brings down immediate condemnation in the media and instant rejection and retribution by Democrats. It seems our president can’t go to the bathroom without the media crying foul over the smell for weeks and some Democrat congressman or senator threatening an investigation.

Liberals -- okay, progressives, socialists, communists or whatever they choose to call themselves at the moment -- have become masters of intolerance. I get that they didn’t vote for Trump; I get that they have a heightened personal dislike for Trump; I even get that they are peeved about Trump thwarting their dream of creating a socialist utopia in this country. But by their absurd rejection of Trump’s every waking hour they are merely driving the wedge that Obama created between liberals and conservatives deeper. Perhaps at no time in the history of this country since the civil war has the divide been more pronounced than now.

The fires of dissent are being fueled by Obama’s “shadow government.” That’s right folks, our ex-president’s Organization for Action (aka: OFA) may well be behind this division. Funded by the likes of the noted subversive billionaire, George Soros, Obama has created and distributed a manual for resistance and disruption at any Republican meeting or Town Hall. The mainstream media have always leaned left. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much effort for the OFA to coordinate media disruption of the Trump administration. 

We only saw sporadic demonstrations -- freeway blocking, women’s march, a few protest movements, California’s threat to secede -- in the beginning, but the news media seems to now be on board with Obama’s OFA. Every time President Trump does or says anything, even the most benign things, the media casts it in a negative light. Several states and local governments are actively working against presidential and congress on things like immigration and climate change. There always seems to be a convenient liberal Federal Judge to thwart Trump’s executive orders. Although I can’t remember any conservative judge blocking any of Obama’s illegal executive orders. 

The fact is our president is doing exactly what he promised. No, that is not expected to appease those who didn’t vote for him. On the other hand, the half of the country that did vote for him are getting exactly what they asked for. By not recognizing that fact, the left is creating a massive us-verses-them environment and in the process not doing this country or it’s citizens one bit of good.

Yes, there is a very real shadow government that is actively out to subvert any and all actions by our legally elected president. And for what purpose? Nearly half of the voters in this country are conservative. This shadow government is driving the wedge deeper and hardening the conservative stance. These liberals aren’t going to win converts to their cause, certainly not this way. States like Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming are tending ever more toward the conservative cause, while California and New York are leaning further toward the socialist edge. Our country is experiencing a de facto Mason-Dixon line once again. The last time this occurred there was a civil war. Could this be in our future once again?