Actually, our tweeter-in-chief said he is relieved they won’t be there; he needs the space for the thousands of supporters that will be attending.
This all started when race-baiter and Georgia Representative, John Lewis called Trump an “Illegitimate President” and declared his intention to boycott the inauguration. In usual Trump style, he shot back that Lewis should stay in his district and maybe fix some of its problems.
Well, gee; Lewis didn’t attend the inauguration of George W. Bush either. Look, how well that turned out. I doubt anyone missed him.
I guess the boycott virus must be going around. Our own Mark Takano won’t be attending either. I’m sure that news made Trump’s day. At least he won’t have to listen to Takano’s whining during the celebration.
In 2009, Barrack Obama was sworn in as the country’s 44th President, yet I don’t recall a lot of bellyaching and crying at this event. Many Republicans were saddened at the prospect of a socialist being President, and even at the time, it was not clear whether he could be a legitimate president because of a questionable birthplace. Do you remember the massive protests and boycotts? That’s right, there were none. That only happens when a Republican wins.
Oh yeah, there are reports that thousands of protesters will attend Trump’s inauguration. Several news outlets were actually paid to advertise the gatherings. Paid by whom we were not told, but is that the stink of Soros money I detect in the air? Why not? He funds Black Lives Matter and, among other subversive activities. This seems like just the sort of thing he would jump at the opportunity to stir up.
Let’s see, who else won’t be attending this inauguration? Right, 95-year-old President George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush won’t be there. He has pneumonia and she is not well either. But President and Mrs. George W. Bush will be there with bells on. I haven’t heard whether the Clintons will make the event. That should be interesting. If they do come, I would love to be a photographer and catch the expression on Hillary’s face as The Donald is sworn in.
Ever since the election results became official, there have been some really strange goings on. College kids have been traumatized by the outcome; Democrats have tried to coerce electors to change their votes; Californians started a movement to succeed from the Union; Illegal aliens all over the nation are bracing for massive deportations; California’s one-Party government is bracing for cuts in federal funding; Disenchanted Clinton supporters are blocking roads and freeways. And you can hear the wailing of the left as they cry like newborn babies. That’s rich since all this comes from the very same people who insist that Donald Trump will drive the nation into deeper division. Yep, the same people who berated the prediction that Trump wouldn’t accept the result of a Clinton win. Go figure!
I think I’m going to look into investing in crying towel companies stock. There’s going to be a run on them.
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