You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

December 13, 2016

Sour Grapes

To the complete dismay of a preponderance of California voters, Donald Trump won the Presidential election. With a solid 61.5 percent of the votes, Hillary took all 55 electoral votes for this winner-take-all state. It was not enough, though, to offset the Trump electoral votes of Middle America. Trump is our President Elect and will be sworn into office January 20 of next year.

Ah, but Californians – at least the left-leaning Californians – aren’t content with that outcome, after all, California does have a Democrat Super Majority in the statehouse, a Democrat Governor, and two Democrat Senators. How can they possibly cope with a Republican President, especially one with Donald Trump’s personality?

Problem solved, they say, we’ll simply secede from the Union. They call it CalExit after the now famous, or infamous, British fiasco of Brexit. Whoa, hold the train. Didn’t 13 states try that in 1860? And wasn’t there a bloody war fought to keep those states in the Union against their will? Maybe those CalExit people might want to rethink this whole idea.

So, Californians are a bunch of sour grapes. But I remember Texas threatening to secede if Clinton won the election. When I heard that, I actually thought about buying land in Texas. I might still look into Texas real estate if CalExit succeeds.

It has been said that if California were a nation it would have the 7th largest economy in the world. Although, it would likely be far less of an economic powerhouse if Silicon Valley were carved out. The Democrats in this one-party state have consistently driven manufacturers and business out of the state. It has been at the bottom of the list of business-friendly states for many years and is likely to remain there much longer. It would be interesting to see just how they would cope with being a separate nation.

What would they call California following secession, the independent nation of California, the Peoples Republic of California, How about Mexifornia? Maybe California could remain a possession, like Guam or Puerto Rico. Or perhaps Mexico could annex it. After all, the Hispanics already make up a majority in the state, and nearly everything is labeled in Spanish. Would President Trump build a wall around California then?

And what about all those Hollyweird celebrities that threatened to move if Trump was elected? Just think, they could all cancel their moving vans and stay in their own left-wing country.

Here’s an idea, maybe those other “Blue” states could join California. Losing Illinois alone would decrease the murder rate in the US significantly. And who needs Washington and Oregon anyway. Wouldn’t that be “progressive?”

Alas, I am stuck in California and just have to accept the fact that I’m surrounded by, ugh, Democrats. Thanks to the snail-paced economic recovery in Southern California I can’t yet afford to move to, say, Texas. So here I will remain.

It is sad that the CalExit crowd and all those distraught college brats can’t cope with reality the way I have. I do take solace in the hope that perhaps some of those celebrities will stay true to their word and leave. Maybe that’s too much to hope for. I would be glad to help them pack.

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