You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

October 10, 2016

More Campaign Fray

Yes, I watched both the Vice Presidential debate and this last Presidential debate. Talk about day and night, the two “debates” could not be different. Tim Kaine and Mike Pence were, for the most part, civil, even though Kaine merely parroted the Clinton campaign dialog. On the other hand, civility could never describe the “debate” between Clinton and Trump. A better description might be “brawl.”

I have to wonder if somehow, Jerry Springer might responsible for orchestrating these Presidential debates. Probably not, though, since there were no chairs thrown. Maybe next time.

So, how will I vote in this election? The fact is I am still in a quandary. One thing I do know is that my vote will not be for either candidate. It will merely be against one of them, and right now, that will be against Hillary Clinton.

On my score sheet for this last Presidential “debate”, Trump won on points. The first debate may have gone to Clinton merely because Trump failed to ignore the misdirection and softballs thrown to Clinton. None of her failings, scandals, and lapses of judgment came up in the first debate. This time, Trump was prepared. He ignored the “moderators’” efforts to push the tone in a more favorable direction for Clinton and hit her where it hurts.

The woman, by her own admission, has been involved in politics and government for more than thirty years. During that time what exactly have been her accomplishments? Has she worked for the betterment of the ghettos or any part of the Black community (e.g. jobs, education, or even infrastructure)? Has she done anything about illegal immigration or even worked to make life better for any immigrants? Did she help change the tax code to prevent billionaires from paying no taxes? Did she try to rein in Wall Street influence?

The answer is no, and these are the issues she is running on! As Trump managed to point out, several times, they are merely words for Clinton. Like most politicians, she talks the talk on the campaign trail but when it comes to walking the walk, she is absent. Wikileaks even revealed that Clinton believes in a public face and a private policy when it comes to the issues. Do the math, that’s two faces!

We also learned just before the televised debate that Donald Trump is no angel. Surprise! In fact, he is more like most men when the women aren’t within earshot; he talks trash. No, it’s not pretty. It’s not meant to be. It’s just how we men are.

So, is this an issue? Because I kind of think that things like ISIS chopping off heads and burning people alive in cages might be more of an issue. I also think the Clinton foundation pay-for-play and foreign contributions might be an issue. Or how about our shrinking military and shrinking prestige on the world stage due to the Obama policies that Clinton wants to continue? There is also that issue of Chinese man made islands in international waters and the increased Russian aggression. Or maybe Nuclear North Korea in the hands of a madman should be an issue. And let’s not leave out Iran, who now has 1.5 billion dollars more -- thanks to Obama -- to proliferate their terrorism.

Somehow, I find the issue of Trump’s potty mouth very small, in fact, minuscule, potatoes compared to these larger issues. Yet, this is what Clinton and the mainstream media bring to the forefront as to why Donald Trump should not be President.

Well, folks, Donald Trump is running for President, not trying to date your daughter. Frankly, I could not care less what language he uses. I care more about what his plans are for bringing our economy out of the toilet. I care about his plans for bringing manufacturing jobs back to this country. I care very much who the next President will appoint to the Supreme Court. I also care about restoring our military might and prestige on the world stage – you can bet there will be no apology tours in a Trump Presidency. There are also immigration – both legal and illegal – issues that I care very much about. I don’t trust Clinton to be on the right side of those issues either.

No, I don’t think Donald Trump is the best choice for President. Unfortunately, I don’t see an alternative.

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