You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

March 6, 2016

Just Say NO!

Our late, great First Lady, Nancy Reagan, made the saying famous. It was advice to first-time drug users to simply say no to drugs. I have conscripted the saying for an entirely different purpose, voting for Donald Trump.

I am fully aware that I may have to eat those words if Trump becomes the Republican Nominee. There is absolutely no way I would ever vote for either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. So, if by some perverse happenstance, Mr. Trump becomes the Republican Presidential nominee, I suppose I will just have to hold my nose and cast my vote for him. I won’t like it, but I will do it.

I don’t like Trump. That’s a given. He has the personality of a spoiled seventh grade bully on an unsupervised schoolyard, complete with all the warmth and charm of a scorpion.

No, I don’t like his personality, but that is not the reason I say you should not vote for him. Actually, there are a great number of reasons beyond his failing personality.

For beginners, I doubt he can win against the presumptive Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton. For decades, the Democrats have – what’s the word? Rigged? Yeah, that’s it – elections. It’s no secret. John Kennedy beat out Richard Nixon with the help of thousands of voters residing in Chicago cemeteries. In a close election – which this is certain to be – the democrats can always pull out some trick to give them the advantage. If not hanging chads or non-citizen voters, they will find a way.

Next, close your eyes and imagine, if you can, President Trump across the table from Vladimir Putin negotiating anything. “Well, Mr. Putin if you don’t take my offer, we will point a few more ballistic missiles at your house, and by the way, my chest has more hair than yours, you short pipsqueak.” Right, that should go well.

The understatement of the year would be to say that Trump has no tact. The word simply doesn’t exist for him.

Finally, consider how our constitutionally mandated, three-branch government works. The President has no authority to create legislation. That job is the exclusive domain of the elected representatives from each of the 50 states. Both the Senate and House of Representatives have a distinct line dividing Republicans from Democrats. Their political philosophy is usually as fractured as the two Parties. Today the Republicans hold the majority vote in both houses.

If Hillary Clinton becomes elected, you can bet we will have the same situation we have had since the Republicans became the majority. Not much of Obama’s agenda gets by Congress. Clinton would fare no better.

On the other hand, neither party likes Donald Trump. I am all but certain neither negotiation or coercion would work for Trump to pass much if any of his promised agenda. And that is a shame because there are many good points to Trump’s stated objectives. He just is not going to be able to bully his way with Congress, and I haven’t seen where he knows any other way to get things done.

Well, yes, he would have the option to use executive orders. Those work for most presidents, but we have seen with Obama that there is a distinct point you can’t cross when you use those executive actions. And that is where the third branch of government comes in play, the Supreme Court, where at least two of Obama’s executive orders languish today.

If you are hoping that someone outside of the Washington insider politics can finally “Make America Great Again”, don’t look to Trump. There are many things that need to be done to divert out country’s downward spiral. Donald Trump has clearly articulated the many things that indeed need be done. Unfortunately, he is not the man to get them done.

We still have a choice even though Californians only get to vote in the primaries long after most of the delegates have been chosen. Trump has to get to a magic number to ensure his nomination in the Republican Party. There is a good chance that by June, he may not have that number of delegates, and we Californians could change what now looks like a certain victory for Trump and certain disaster for our country.

In June, just say no – no to Donald Trump, and no to schoolyard bully tactics.

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