You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

July 25, 2014

Military Un-intelligence

 Imagine you are in the Army and involved with heavy fighting in Afghanistan. Along comes a messenger. Instead of carrying a critical message on enemy positions, he hands you a pink slip. You are fired!

It’s a joke, right? No joke. This is what happened to 48 Army Captains this week in Afghanistan.

These are not your normal non-critical rank support troops. Captains are normally company-level command officers. They have a full compliment of men and women under their command – depending on them for life-and-death decisions in a war zone. Now some genius in the pentagon decides to just pluck them out of the war zone and send them down the road.

Was there any thought of what the troops under them will do without their commander? At best it would destroy morale. At worst it will lead to deadly confusion leading to unnecessary risks and possible combat casualties. Remember, we are still at war in Afghanistan.

And what of those officers suddenly canned? They aren’t going to get a lot of time to look for a new job. “I’m sorry. I can’t come for an interview right now. I’m in the middle of a firefight.” Yeah, that’s going to go over with a prospective employer.

It is blatantly obvious this draw down and military cost-cutting is not just misguided but gotten completely out-of-hand and insane. How many officers are on the chopping block at the pentagon? Most of those serving there are merely paper shufflers and pencil-pushers. They spend the entire day in boring and mundane meetings where nothing of consequence gets done, and shuttling paper from one office to another.

At the General and Admiral level, there are far to many still serving. We have never had so many top-level officers even during the Second World War. Many of these Generals are merely shining the seat of their pants, and are far beyond retirement age.

Another factor that makes no sense is a report by the World Tribune. Officials said the ‘Defense Department has been keeping records and tracking Muslims so they can encourage their presence and continued advancement in the military.’

We need more Muslims, not combat experienced Captains in the Army? The inmates are seriously in charge of the asylum! Sure, bring on another bunch of Muslim officers like Major Nadal Hassan, the Fort Hood murderer.

I am a strong proponent of cost-cutting, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. This administration is hell-bent on doing it the wrong way – a dangerous way for our nation. The draw down in Afghanistan is a prime example of incompetent administration at its worst.

Instead of storing perfectly serviceable weapon systems or selling or even donating them to friendly armies that desperately need them, we blow up equipment we have paid billions for. Some of our best weapons such as the A-10, “Warthog”, are to be scrapped with no suitable replacements,  even though both the Marines and Army say they are critically needed. The F-22 production is terminated in favor of the troubled F-35. On, and on, and on…

Now we have military commanders being fired while still engaged in combat. I guess this is what happens when you have a “community organizer” for Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s military. My solution to the problem would be to fire the man at the top and every unqualified civilian beneath him, then replace him with someone who knows which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Put a qualified professional military man in charge.

I have to wonder what other idiotic actions might be planned for our servicemen and women of the front line. Will they suddenly take their weapons and ammunition in the middle of a firefight? I never thought anything that outrageous could happen, but I’m not so sure these days.

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