You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

June 28, 2014

Enough Already

 All right, when are we going to say enough is enough? I’m talking about the assault on our nation by our “friends” south of the border.

Rep. Duncan Hunter’s office, (R)-CA, claims that since 2004, there have been 300 documented incursions by Mexican military and law enforcement authorities into the United States. The latest incursion involved a Mexican law enforcement helicopter shooting at our border patrol.

Search as I might, I can find no report of our country being assaulted by Canadian police or Military. We don’t hear of Canadians streaming across the border either! Why is that?

It was reported that Mexico had a greater GDP than Canada in 2012. So, why do we constantly hear of Mexicans and Central Americans illegally coming to our country for economic reasons?

Sure, there is corruption – some think Mexico invented concept – and lawlessness, but according to Wikipedia, in 2012, Mexico had the third largest police force in the world. In addition, Mexico has 276,500 active and 76,500 reserve military personnel armed with US and European weaponry, and none are deployed to any other activity in the world.

So why is this country of 120.6 million (give or take) people experiencing such lawlessness or poverty that hordes of them feel the need to abandon their homeland and illegally flee across our border? Many risk life and limb to do so.

A bigger question might be why doesn’t Mexico do something to curtail the loss of their citizens.  The answers may be complex, but none are acceptable.

One reason is economic. Most illegals in this country send money to relatives back home. In 2006, workers in this country sent some 23 BILLION dollars to Mexico. Although the amount fluctuates every year, that is a huge chunk of US dollars being taken out of circulation in this country annually.

Another reason – and this is becoming a big one – is drugs. Central American drug cartels flourish there, with literally only each other to keep them in check. The narcotics business has become an institution in Central America. Many of the towns and even states in Mexico and Central America have only the cartels to govern them. Their entire government is on the cartel payroll, and don’t dare go against the cartel wishes.

The Mexican government may be recognized world wide, but the real power in that country, as in most other Central American countries, seems to be the drug cartels. Why doesn’t the government use the military against the cartels? Good question. They seem to make token efforts at times, but there does not appear to be any concerted action on the part of government to shut the cartels down. When drug lords are captured, they usually “escape” or are set loose with a “technicality.”

Okay, why do we have a southern border problem? Simple; look at a map. The US had some 313 million people in 2013 on a landmass of 3.749 million square miles. Mexico had some 120.6 million people on a landmass of 761,600 square miles, much of which is desert.

Do the math. Mexico needs lebensraum – Hitler’s justification for annexing the East. Reconquista is real, and it’s so easy to just send unarmed people to stream into our country until they get a good foothold. Their numbers grow until our government feels overwhelmed and gives them amnesty and a path to citizenship. Our voting laws are so lax that they now vote, and when they do, it’s for people that will allow more immigrants from Mexico. It’s a snowball effect.

Our country is being invaded and will eventually be taken over, not with guns and tanks, but simply by being overrun with expatriates of Mexico and other Central American countries. It is beyond all reasoning that we not only allow this but also have a government that is complicit in this invasion.

Just when will the American people say ENOUGH!

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