You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

October 31, 2013

NSA, Your Friendly Snoop

“One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingy, hello, is this the party to whom I am speaking?”

“Hallo Ernestine, Chancellor Merkel here. Ein moment bitte. Barack, you can hank op please. Dis ist nicht ein konferenz call.”

Funny? German Chancellor Angela Merkel didn’t think so when she found out the NSA has been consistently listening to her call phone calls. In fact, the NSA listens to phone calls of many leaders of our friendly allies. While some allies take it in stride, others who grew up in oppressive governments – like NAZI Germany and communist East Germany – are understandably concerned.

But we’re the good guys! The NSA is just trying to keep the US safe from terrorists. Although that is a laudable goal, just what makes them think Angela Merkel would be having conversations with terrorists. Sure, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood might be cooking up some nasty business, and eavesdropping on them would be a real good idea.

Is there a difference between gathering intelligence and just plain snooping? I believe there is, but to differentiate one would probably be accused of “profiling”. It’s the same affront to logic that requires the TSA to pat down 80-year-old grandmothers and 4-year-old girls at the airport while passing Muslim men for fear of being labeled as profiling.

So now we are paying the National Security Agency to listen to the German Chancellor make a hairdresser appointment, or campaign strategy, or maybe confidential EU strategy with an Italian Minister. It is almost certain, though, that she will not be discussing terrorist hits on America.

The NSA has some of the most technologically advanced equipment in the world, much of it evolved from that of the cold war when spy craft was a necessary factor in survival of the free world. While other countries may not have the advanced technology we do, there can be no doubt they are spying on us too.

When Obama took office, he became the first president to use cell technology – his Blackberry. There was always the fear that wireless technology could be hacked. Apparently, that was a valid fear, but our own security agency seems to be the ones doing the hacking. If we can hack cell phones, it’s a safe bet other technologically proficient countries or groups can too, for instance China or Russia, maybe even Al Qaida. Do you think they might be interested in hearing about Obama’s golf game? Maybe they are spellbound listening to him recount about Michelle’s latest taxpayer-paid multi-million dollar vacation.

I guess the bottom line is even though we have the ability to snoop on anyone in the world, logic and common sense should dictate whom we target. Shame on us for spying on our friends. The thing is, if we can do it, so can other, maybe not so friendly, entities. Folks using unsecured devices for communication should not expect privacy. Critical conversations over these devices should always be handled as if they were being broadcast to everyone in the world.

If Angela Merkel or any other high-profile government leader is communicating critical information over unsecured devices, they are too naïve to be in a leadership position. If your cell phone is limited to benign, droll, personal chitchat, the NSA and probably anyone else listening will become so bored they will eventually give up.

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