You are reading the thoughts of one who has kept them mostly out of the public venue. By virtue of the concept, blogs seem narcissistic so you can expect a lot of personal pronouns to show up.

I don't like being pigeonholed, though many have called me a conservative. I agree with much of what is often considered conservative views, but I do tend to occasionally differ on this view point. I have also been termed opinionated. Well, please remember this is my view, and I consider my view valid until convinced otherwise. That doesn't necessarily make it right; it simply makes it my view.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

NOTE: The posts in this blog are duplicates of the column I write for the Perris City News and Sentinel Weekly.

All right, let's get started. You are about to read neither the rantings of a madman nor the reflections of a genius. Perhaps somewhere in between:

October 1, 2011


Let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples of the earth—they are the focus of evil in the modern world. ~ Ronald Reagan

Yes, I have been away from the BLOG for a while. It was not for lack of subject matter. If nothing else, Obama is always good for a few thousand words of current disgust. We had the Republican debates (also somewhat disappointing), the possible disintegration of Al Qaida, the receding recession (fact or fiction, single or double dip?), gays (forced down our throats), and the executive order of defacto amnesty for illegal aliens. Maybe I've been lazy, maybe even negligent. Today, though, I got to thinking, why swat at individual wasps when you can poke at the entire nest? Here is the result:

Despite my education, both in university and self educated, I am at a complete loss to understand the wide differences in political philosophies. While my experiences in life have forged my own philosophy into what many term "conservative", and even though I strive to understand them, I simply cannot grasp the logic behind "liberal" or as many prefer "progressive" thought and actions.

To me it seems the origin of much of today's "liberal" philosophy can be traced to perhaps well meaning philosophers like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who professed a social change that was 180 degrees from that of the prevailing monarchies in the nineteenth century. Political leaders like Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky and Mao seemed to have hijacked selected portions of Marx's philosophy to experiment in social engineering. This grand experiment was termed communism, while the basis was termed Marxism. Subsequent leaders around the world adopted portions of communism and "tweaked" it to meet their own, often perverted, notion of social engineering. This action is being propagated throughout the globe despite the complete failure of communism in its birthplace, the Soviet Union. Even China has begun to reject many of the oppressive tenets of Maoism that held them back from becoming a world power.

I would define pure social engineering as a continual process of social experimentation to obtain what is unobtainable, complete social balance. Communism, Marxism, Maoism, Leninism, Stalinism and all of the off-shoots are social engineering experiments gone bad.

At the root of the Marxist philosophy is the subjugation of the individuals for the perceived good of the group. The reason this can never work is that humans are endowed with, well... human nature. One immutable feature of human nature is free thought. Unless overcome buy insanity or some version of mind control, one cannot absolutely subjugate ones self to the benefit of the collective. To do so would invalidate ones individuality, and human minds don't naturally relinquish their individuality.

The result of applications of Marxist philosophy is that while professing to nurture equality among the population, those in leadership positions and those surrounding them, are always elevated to a superior position. This alignment oppresses the many for the benefit of the few -- exactly what the philosophy strives to eliminate.

In a free and open society you have the same relationship, with sections being oppressed and others living well, but the significant difference is the opportunity all have to become well-off. Those living under Marxist tenets have no ability to change their assigned lot in life.

Are there still those who still believe in Marxism? You bet. These are the social engineers, many calling themselves "socialist", "liberal", "progressive" or outright "leftists". These often times well meaning people strive to experiment with society to achieve equality in every aspect of life. I don't know if they can't see or merely refuse to see that it's like they're playing with a balloon. If they squeeze one part it creates a bulge in another part. The only way to get it to a uniform shape is to let go of it. But social engineers don't see that. 

Are they blind to reality, or just stupid? Maybe neither. Maybe they are simply vile and evil. The rebellious nature incubated in youths in the 1950s blossomed and took a deep hold of youths in the 1960s and 1970s. In lashing out blindly at "the establishment", many looked toward the antithesis of the free society they were raised in and embraced Marxism. Lenin termed these individuals his "useful idiots". Ever since the violent communist revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century, communists have been trying to seed their vile poisonous doctrine in this country. The trumped up fear of communist "witch hunts" during the late 1940s to the late 1950s gave anyone publicly disparaging communism a quick accusation of McCarthyism. The term communist was replaced with liberal or progressive, and communism soon became the more palatable term socialism. A turd by any other name still smells the same, though.

While the communist drive heated up with organizations like the American Communist Party, Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and others, social engineers, and in particular Marxists, stealthily and often openly infiltrated our institutions of higher learning. Tolerance, free speech, and diversity became the liberal mantra for social engineering. Moral decline and perversion has been thrust upon our society and often legislated by our leaders. One of the greatest promoters of communism, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev openly and loudly proclaimed "we will bury you" while banging his shoe on a conference table and secretly arming Cuba with missiles aimed at our country.

Has the effort to subvert and subjugate our nation diminished since the fall of communism in eastern Europe and Asia and modifications to Maoism in China? Not in the least, if anything, it has increased with the inclusion of the radicals of the '60s into mainstream politics. The people who openly professed revolution in the '60s are now in leadership positions in our government. Have their philosophical position changed over time? Can a Leopard change its spots? Can a Cobra be domesticated? Not likely!

Here is a link to documentation of the impending evil that is eating at our country


This video shows the global nature of this threat:

The big question is why are Lenin's "useful idiots" not seeing the damage being done?

July 24, 2011

Debt -- Yours and Mine

Okay, maybe I don't completely understand how government (ours) finance works. Apparently, I don't even have a clue, since none of what is transpiring over raising of the national debt ceiling makes much sense to me.

I always like to simplify things -- I guess my mind can only grasp simple concepts -- so in a nut shell here is the situation as I see it:

As a nation, we have borrowed ourselves into a $14.8 TRILLION hole, and now we need to extend the legally mandated debt ceiling to go deeper in debt because there is not enough money to keep the US government running. States and cities throughout the nation are also threatened with insolvency because they have spending programs that are now beyond their means because of the economy crash. Also due to the rotten economy, businesses are either failing or holding on to what capital they have and not expanding. Individuals are losing their jobs due to down-sizing and business failures causing them to deplete their savings and go deeper in debt just to survive.

Well there you have it. In one way or the other, we are all in debt and digging the hole deeper. So what can be done about it?

For individuals the options are few. You can file bankruptcy, try to re-schedule your debt, or simply let the creditors foreclose on whatever assets you have and take possession of them. For businesses, the options are similar. They can file bankruptcy, re-schedule their debt, or just close the doors and go under leaving the assets to the creditor. In either case the creditor is left with unpaid debt. Since creditors are in business to make money (what a concept!), they will simply pass on the loss, if they can.

For government entities, under-funded programs can either be cut or the revenue (taxes and fees) can be increased. Historically, during lean times government has simply raised the revenue. But during fat times, when the economy was good and revenues were in abundance, instead of cutting the tax rate, they thought up new ways to spend it. Surprise! The economy is in the toilet and the taxes and spending remain the same, but revenues are down. The typical socialist knee-jerk solution is to raise taxes. This only continues ratcheting up the cost on society of government and its size.

Sadly, besides the ratcheting up of size and costs, our federal government has borrowed money to fund expensive programs, and has become addicted to borrowing. Fourteen trillion, eight hundred billion dollars and change is currently what the United States owes domestic and foreign investors. I wrote out the figure in the hopes that it might seem more comprehensible. It's not. If I was $14.8 thousand in debt, it would be like financing an additional used car. At $14.8 million in debt, I would certainly choke and easily go bankrupt. Crank that number up by a magnitude of 6,000 and you can see what $14.8 trillion is. I saw somewhere that this equates to over some $500,000 per US citizen. I'm half a million dollars in debt without knowing it and without recourse!

Apparently the federal government's revenue can't begin to even match it's spending, let alone pay down it's debt.

As an individual burdened with a half million dollar debt and not merely enough coming in to begin to repay it, I would need to quit buying expensive items. I wouldn't go in debt to pay the interest on the loan and buy another new house. More likely, I would be looking at bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy would just tell all the creditors, "suck it up." A chapter 13 bankruptcy judge would require me to drastically cut spending, sell assets, and re-schedule loan payments to at least fit my income. It is certain that I would need to cut up any credit cards in my wallet.

Our country can't tell its creditors to just suck it up, but why is it so hard to follow a more sensible procedure with our national debt and budget? Make it a law (even a constitutional amendment if necessary) that the annual federal budget must balance. In addition, cut any and all unessential programs and don't add more -- figuratively, tear up the national credit card. Sell off unessential assets and cut costs (privatize if the cost is less and it makes sense from a practical standpoint).  Only when this has been substantially done and no other option exists, increase revenue (imagine telling your boss that you need a raise to pay down your debt -- fat chance).

 Am I missing something? Do we actually need more debt? Can we afford more debt? At half million bucks per US citizen, I can't afford it, my kids can't afford it, and my grand-kids can't afford it. Lets get real!

July 9, 2011

Split California?

You betcha! And here's why:

California land mass consists of some 155,959.34 square miles (ref http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06000.html). Los Angeles county is 4,060.87 square miles and the counties that make up the bay area (Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara Yolo and Solona) together are 6342.06 square miles. Combined (Los Angles county and the Bay Area) there are 10402.93 square miles of this state infested with ultra liberals. That makes 6.67 percent of the area of California that is being controlled by extreme left wing liberals! Put another way, those of us living in the other 93 percent of the state have virtually no voice in our state government.

Well of course, not everyone in the 7 percent area is ultra liberal, and those living in the 93 percent area aren't all conservative. But the numbers and actions don't lie. It is a fact that our state government is controlled entirely by liberal democrats. The minority republicans no longer have any real say in how the state is run.

The result of this inequity is that business are leaving, jobs are scarce, regulation of everything from lawn mower and barbecue emissions to school textbooks is rampant, the actual size of state government is bloated and still growing, unions are the only special interests with power, despite the massive infusions of money to the black hole that is our schools we are graduating students that can't even read their diplomas or make change for a dollar bill (but their self esteem is high), our highways and rural roads are crumbling, and traffic to and from the only areas that still have jobs is horrendous. To add insult to injury, the democrat run government continues to sneak new taxes by calling them "fees" (as if that makes it less painful).

We are de facto a split state any way. It's just that 93 percent of the state is being oppressed by the other 7 percent. It is time to make the split real and create at least two actual states from the existing borders of California.

If you agree with this, contact Riverside County supervisor Jeff Stone at http://www.supjeffstone.org/ and let him know you support his efforts in this matter.